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IEA History


IEA Background

Established in 1974, the International Energy Agency (IEA) carries out a comprehensive programme of  energy  co-operation  for  its  29  member  countries  and  beyond  by  examining  the  full  spectrum  of  energy  issues  and  advocating  policies  that  will  enhance  energy  security,  economic  development,  environmental  awareness  and  engagement  worldwide.  The  IEA  is  governed  by  the  IEA  Governing  Board  which  is  supported  through  a  number  of  specialised  standing  groups  and  committees.  For more information on the IEA, see

The IEA Energy Technology Network

The IEA  Energy  Technology  Network  (ETN)  is  comprised  of  6 000  experts  participating  in  governing bodies  and  international  groups  managing  technology  programmes.  The Committee  on  Energy  Research  and  Technology  (CERT),  comprised  of  senior  experts  from  IEA  member  governments,  considers   effective   energy   technology   and   policies   to   improve   energy   security,   encourage   environmental protection and maintain economic growth. The CERT is supported by four specialised Working Parties:

Each  Working  Party  coordinates  the  research  activities  of  relevant  IEA  Technology  Collaboration  Programmes (TCPs). The CERT directly oversees TCPs of a cross-cutting nature.

The IEA Technology Collaboration Programmes (TCPs)

The IEA  Technology  Collaboration  Programmes  (TCPs) are  international  groups  of  experts  that  enable  governments  and  industries  from  around  the  world  to  lead  programmes  and  projects  on  a  wide  range  of  energy  technologies  and  related  issues,  from  building  pilot  plants  to  providing  policy  guidance in support of energy security, economic growth and environmental protection. The first TCP was  created  in  1975.  To  date,  TCP  participants  have  examined  close  to  2 000  topics.  Today  TCP  participants represent more than 300 public and private-sector organisations from over 50 countries. TCPs are governed  by  a  flexible  and  effective  framework  and organised  through  an  Implementing  Agreement. TCP  activities and  programmes  are  managed  and  financed  by  the  participants.  To  learn  more  about  the  TCPs,  please  consult  the  short promotional  film,  the Frequently  Asked  Questions brochure,  or the IEA website